We have developed a Program for gamers to achieve excellent health & well-being through psychological flexibility

What's in it for you?

A direct path to improved meaning & well-being

Improved ability to control your emotions

Efficiently tackle & overcome your emotional challenges

Stake out & work efficiently to achieve your own goals

Protect yourself from fluctuating demands

Increased knowledge that makes you thrive in gaming

Do you feel like you're struggling?

You're not alone

0 M
Faced Gaming Disorder by the end of 2021.

Out of these gamers, more than 90% also face the following issues…

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Alongside this, it’s estimated that approximately 10% of all gamers face some kind of mental, physical, or social health issue relating either directly or indirectly to their video gaming habits, which is more than…

0 million gamers

In other words, it’s okay to feel that you need support to get back on track.

We want to see you thrive

As a matter of fact, we believe in your success to the point that we are willing to double down on it.

Money-Back Guarantee

We believe in the positive impact our Program creates, though we understand that it might not be able to help everyone. We offer a full refund for those who have fully completed the Program, yet who does not show any signs of positive impact or improved health & well-being.